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Celprogen Develops Neuronal Stem Cells to Treat Alzheimer's

Jul 13th 2011

Celprogen has developed neuronal stem cells that can be differentiated into neurons as an alternative for Cell based therapy for neurological diseases including Alzheimer's patients. The pre-clinical studies are very promising, in vivo, showing improvement in short and long term memory in experimental models and this procedure may someday be an alternative therapy for Alzheimer's patients.

Celprogen has started their Collaborations with Dr. D.K. Lahiri and Dr. B. Ray of Indiana University School of Medicine, who are highly acclaimed and international experts in the field of drug development in Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Lahiri's laboratory would be one of the validation sites for this therapeutic procedure. Their expertise in basic and clinical prognosis of Alzheimer's disease together with Celprogen's nanoparticle formulations for specific drug targets in the Alzheimer's disease has enabled them to make great strides in this area. The validation studies are ongoing and are showing very promising results in AD experimental models.

Celprogen and Dr. D.K. Lahiri and Dr. Ray's Collaborations are also looking into ways on how they can match individuals' skin tissue to de-differentiate them into neuronal explants. The progress is very rapid and Celprogen should release a validated product at the ASCB meeting in December 2011. 

Article as seen on News-Medical